
Imperial College London





Lithium-Sulfur Batteries

I am currently working as a post-doc (March 2020-December 2022) in the LiSTAR group at Imperial College London. My focus is on developing continuum-limit physics-based mathematical models of Lithium-Sulfur batteries.

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I am currently working to publish and extend research from my PhD. The thesis focused on developing mathematical models for the dynamics of ferrofluids. I was supervised by Prof Demetrios Papageorgiou at Imperial College London.

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Mathematics & Physics for Chemistry II (2021-2022)

A methods course for second and third year undergraduates at Imperial College London. The syllabus has been updated from the previous 2 years but has (hopefully) reached a steady state.

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Mathematics & Physics for Chemistry II (2020-2021)

A methods course for second and third year undergraduates at Imperial College London. The syllabus is currently being updated from previous years.

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Mathematics & Physics for Chemistry II (2019-2020)

A methods course for second and third year undergraduates at Imperial College London. Covered topics in Linear Algebra, Vector Calculus, Partial Differential Equations, and Fourier series.

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